A Time to Remember

A Time to Remember

Faith, Personal Testimonies, Teaching Your Children
It’s the 4th of July, a time to remember the Declaration of Independence and the initiation of the United States of America. It was adopted on July 4, 1776 at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, now known as Independence Hall, by the Second Continental Congress. It explains to the world why the thirteen colonies considered themselves as independent states no longer under the British rule. Their independence was justified by the listing of 27 colonial grievances against King George III and by proclaiming their right of revolution. It became one of the “most circulated and widely reprinted documents in American history” (Wikipedia). A few months ago I received a call out of the blue with a special message. It was to inform me that a former Kindergarten ESL (English…
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Faith, Teaching Your Children
Revival: The definition is, "an improvement in the condition or strength of something." This term revival is something devoted Christians dream of and pray for. In case you haven't heard, it has been one month since a revival began in the United States! Yes, from February 8-February 24, 2023 there was a 17-day long revival that happened at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky. It was an unplanned event in human terms, but God had been moving hearts and calling people to pray years and years before! I watched an interesting interview done in Spanish of a few guys, one a Mexican American and the other a current Latino student at Asbury. The Mexican American had driven 30 plus hours to attend this revival while it was still in full force. It…
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A Tribute to Moms

A Tribute to Moms

Faith, Teaching Your Children
"Whether you have little baby girls or little baby boys, both will grow to adore you, their mommy. Do you ever contemplate how neat this is? You are like a princess or hero to your children in many ways. You are the one they've learned to go to for every need since they were born, and the one they look to for advice and comfort when they're down. None of us deserve to have such admiration, but there is One who does...Teach them through your example that mommy depends on Jesus for all her 'strength' and that her beauty inside and out comes from Our Heavenly Father. Jesus, allow me to radiate you so that my children will one day realize it is YOU in me." (a passage from chapter…
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Faith, Personal Testimonies, Teaching Your Children
"My favorite holiday is LOVE DAY," said my sweet little Laurelle. "When is that?" I asked. "Valentine's Day, mom!" And my little girl didn't disappoint, with more than twenty hand-made cards! She was thrilled to receive something that day, but her greatest desire was to BLESS others. Laurelle has learned at an early age the joy of GIVING! Jesus Himself was quoted by Paul in Acts 20:35 as having said, "It is more blessed to GIVE than to receive." Daddy's little girl. Photography credit in this post goes to: newphotography11.com As adults, we tend to feel more comfortable giving than receiving many a day. Of course God is the ultimate GIVER, but do I let Him LOVE me? Do I RECEIVE His love on a daily basis? For the past…
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Want EASY? Not Happenin’!

Want EASY? Not Happenin’!

Personal Testimonies, Teaching Your Children
Every month I pray and reflect on what my next blog could be. The idea came to me today while pondering the unrest, division, and uncertainty surrounding the world and our own nation. EASY. We could say this year has been everything BUT easy. The coronavirus began its deadly, silent and invisible spread which crippled us from almost every form of normalcy. I remember my brother warning me, "It's getting really weird. They're closing it all down, even the restaurants and the gyms." This is easy...pumpkin rolls that you buy pre-made and just heat up the dough! YUMMY fall treat Yeah, we have ALL experienced UNeasiness and HARDship. It was last week when I saw a man wheeling his handicapped son into the supermarket. It was the same man and…
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Writing from Weakness

Writing from Weakness

Faith, Personal Testimonies, Teaching Your Children
I write from weakness. My book and my blogs were and are birthed out of my own life filled with joys amidst lifes' hardships and unanswered questions. Nonetheless, the finished product of my writing can misleadingly seem like “I have it all together." Truth be told: I am an imperfect mom with imperfect children. The difference, the game-changer: having a PERFECT and HOLY God who LIVES in me! This means if I can give him my “pen” (or my keyboard), and my thoughts, He can bring godly insight and eternal blessings of encouragement from me, a broken vessel that HE provides HOPE and HEALING to. I chose this random picture of me because one of my kids snapped it without me knowing...not a glamorous picture but it shows imperfect ME.…
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TOP 11 Homeschooling Tips and TRICKS!

TOP 11 Homeschooling Tips and TRICKS!

Teaching Your Children
Homeschooling is a LIFESTYLE. It’s been our family’s “normal” for five years now, with all the blessings and challenges that it has brought our way. I am a former K-6 ESL(English as a Second Language) and high school Spanish teacher. I worked at a private school abroad and then at various public schools here in New York state for a total of six years, receiving tenure in the West Seneca Central School District. I made the decision to leave the public school classroom and begin homeschooling my little ones even though no one in my family had done so previously. It's been an adventure ever since! So, my kids have never been to "school" outside of our home besides homeschooling co-op groups once or twice a month and weekly Sunday…
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Faith, Teaching Your Children
Two little cousins who are missing each other right now: My Davin and nephew Dawson We are living through a historic time right now. Each day I try to ask God what I can do in the midst of it. I keep living, breathing, teaching my kids, cooking meals, doing laundry, but inwardly I know my little routine somehow matters more now. I am in compliance: the stakes are higher, as public health is top priority. The weirdness of the new term “social distancing” is already being “embraced” (pun intended)! It's our new reality, our temporary "normal" worldwide. My mind can’t completely wrap itself around the implications of this pandemic, but here are some I have noticed: People can’t mourn the way they normally would when someone passes away, as…
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Your “Unwritten” Goals…

Your “Unwritten” Goals…

Faith, Personal Testimonies, Teaching Your Children
2019 has come and gone, but its memory in my heart and life will always live on. It began with a warm Ecuadorian family celebration to ring in the new year, each one of us sharing our hopes and aspirations. I had written down a few goals for the year, including teaching myself how to play piano by ear and writing a new book. In another sense this would be a year in which physical suffering would remind me of my weakness and frailty to accomplish anything on my own. It started in the spring as I was planting seeds with my children: I hit our metal mailbox and had to get stitches on my head. That didn’t stop me, and summer was a pleasant time of family bonding, active…
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Do You Believe?

Do You Believe?

Faith, Teaching Your Children
I’ve realized people, even adults, desire something magical that they can at least pretend to believe in, whether they know it or not. Laurelle and I..sleeping beauty! We recently returned from a Disney vacation, and you could see every parents’ desire to create wonder, joy, and memories for their little ones everywhere you looked. The girls are dressed as princesses, waiting in long lines to meet and greet with Queen Elsa and Cinderella for a few treasurable moments. A sweet moment...Laurelle and Fancy Nancy! The disappointment comes when, as my five-year-old Laurelle realized, Fancy Nancy doesn’t talk to you, her costume being a huge painted replica head with skin-colored stockings covering her arms and legs. She looks like the Disney Junior and book character that we have enjoyed and come…
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