Faith, Personal Testimonies
On a 34-degree sunny winter morning a few weeks ago, I couldn’t resist the urge to go for a jog! As I passed many familiar homes and neighboring streets, I noticed a house that was covered with Halloween décor, though at the time it was almost the end of December! As I looked closer, I spotted a "sigil of Baphomet" (Satanist star) flag that said “Blessed” amidst the disheveled front yard. To be candid, I felt a twinge of fear and shock run through my body. Instantly I began to pray over that place as I continued my run, for any children and adults who live there, and for the surrounding neighbors. My concern was sincere and justifiable; Satan IS real, and His lies and schemes are all around us.…
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Drowning in FEAR but COVERED with GRACE!

Drowning in FEAR but COVERED with GRACE!

Faith, Personal Testimonies
Happy Thanksgiving, dear ones! ‘Tis a season of gratitude and reflection! Usually, we like to list easy and good things to be thankful for. God has taught me this week to even be grateful to feel overwhelmed, defeated, and fearful. Strong, ugly, unsettling emotions like these can crush us. They empty us of ourselves and any “strength” we thought to possess on our own. Yep, that is right where God wants us! In that state we are READY for HIM. Do not fear; what beauty and joy He can produce from such pain and misery! At age 42 I am still getting to know who I am, especially my weaknesses. It’s ironic how “put together” we can seem in one moment and in another so broken and lost. This has…
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Friday the 13th…A Day to Remember

Friday the 13th…A Day to Remember

Faith, Personal Testimonies
A week ago it was Friday the 13th. September 13th. I was driving all day with my four sweet children. We met some wonderful homeschooling families at Genesee Country Village and enjoyed a lovely time together with friends. It was a reflective day for me because it was the 5-year anniversary since my car accident. If you want to read more about that, you can by clicking below: These homeschooling moms and I at Genessee Country Village...women after God's heart that greatly inspire me. https://treesofhope.net/2019/09/the-gift-of-immobility.html A post 5 years ago that I read from time to time...Always remember your trials and tribulations Driving by vast, lush greenery all around, the emotions and thoughts that rolled through my mind were of utter gratitude for being here to experience life and live…
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Faith, Personal Testimonies
Today is another milestone: 42 years of life on this earth! It has had me thinking what one word would define me? The word BUSY is perhaps the adjective that best describes the average person these days. I would much rather have someone say I’m kind, peaceful or hard-working, but NOT just “busy.” Go, go, go, do, do, do…. what happened to getting off that treadmill after our global pandemic? How quickly we forget to SLOW DOWN and stop just being “busy!” Now, I want to tell you a true tale of this word BUSY being used by someone in my life in an offensive way. When we use the word "busy" to decline an invitation it carries a certain message with it: I AM BUSY, but YOU must not…
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For Mothers: A Few Goodbyes

For Mothers: A Few Goodbyes

Faith, Personal Testimonies
Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there, moms-to-be, and never forgetting the moms who have gone ahead of us on to glory. It is promising that we still have a day set aside for celebration and hopefully REFLECTION of our own moms, ourselves, and the legacy we are ultimately leaving behind. As I sit here writing when I want to clean the house and prep for an upcoming garage sale, I am reminded I need this MORE. Need what? I NEED times of reflection, of internal mental, emotional, and spiritual REST for my soul. My children are a wonderful blessing, and as of yesterday we now have our first teenager! As I love to watch them bloom and grow there is another part of me that fears the…
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HE LIVES! This is my testimony!

HE LIVES! This is my testimony!

Faith, Personal Testimonies
This Easter is one in which our hearts rejoice as a family for the countless blessings God has bestowed upon us. This post will be short but sweet as we list a few testimonies of HIS faithfulness! 1.We are currently living a dream right now in Ecuador, having just received a mission's trip team from our church to come and support our Ecuadorian brothers and sisters. For us this is truly a MIRACLE and an answer to years and years of prayer. 2.Two people we know recently gave their lives to CHRIST! Both were ones we had the privilege to pray for and influence; our hearts are so full to the brim for their decisions to dedicate themselves to JESUS! 3.JESUS is ALIVE and well...How do I know? I spoke…
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The Gift of LEARNING

The Gift of LEARNING

Please enjoy this Christmas gift from me to you of my heart’s expression below. Merry Christmas, dear friends and loved ones! I would like to pose a question: If you were given 5 hours on any given day to do ANYTHING you wanted with no distractions or people around, what would you choose? Take a moment and really think and decide! I know if I’m honest part of that time I would most likely spend cleaning unless I completely abandoned my house and went somewhere else! However, my hope would be that the majority of the time would be spent in deep concentration reading a very good book! This Christmas I am thankful for many things. Let me share one of those with you. Learning. We experience it every day…
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Resisting Brokenness…AGAIN!

Resisting Brokenness…AGAIN!

Faith, Personal Testimonies
Before a recent surgery I had last week, I was anxious. For starters, it was an unromantic way for my husband and I to spend our 17-year anniversary since we officially began dating! So, I surmised if I didn’t think too much about the procedure and didn't make a big deal of it to anyone that the recovery would be smooth sailing. Even the surgeon and some online advice seemed to make the whole process seem speedier and more expediated due to new surgical techniques. To top it all off, I prided myself on my daily exercise regime that made me feel strong, healthy and energized. I internally boasted: My body will surely bounce back since I have taken such good care of it. To my dismay, the moment I…
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I Can’t, BUT…

I Can’t, BUT…

Faith, Personal Testimonies
I have felt “I can’t” a lot recently. It comes in waves and today I felt close to drowning. I KNOW I can’t. I can’t continue on in my own strength and I can’t be everything to everyone or even close to that. The more relationships you have the more complicated and overwhelming life can feel. At times I internally ponder whether I’m focusing my energy wisely. It’s a question I should always bring to Our Father God. Days are so short and time is so valuable. In the midst of my inability I have found the beauty of knowing who God is: When I say, “I can’t” He says,” I CAN.” When I say, “This is impossible,” He says, “With me, all things are possible.” When I say, “I…
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A Time to Remember

A Time to Remember

Faith, Personal Testimonies, Teaching Your Children
It’s the 4th of July, a time to remember the Declaration of Independence and the initiation of the United States of America. It was adopted on July 4, 1776 at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, now known as Independence Hall, by the Second Continental Congress. It explains to the world why the thirteen colonies considered themselves as independent states no longer under the British rule. Their independence was justified by the listing of 27 colonial grievances against King George III and by proclaiming their right of revolution. It became one of the “most circulated and widely reprinted documents in American history” (Wikipedia). A few months ago I received a call out of the blue with a special message. It was to inform me that a former Kindergarten ESL (English…
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