Want EASY? Not Happenin’!

Every month I pray and reflect on what my next blog could be. The idea came to me today while pondering the unrest, division, and uncertainty surrounding the world and our own nation. EASY. We could say this year has been everything BUT easy. The coronavirus began its deadly, silent and invisible spread which crippled us from almost every form of normalcy. I remember my brother warning me, “It’s getting really weird. They’re closing it all down, even the restaurants and the gyms.”

This is easy…pumpkin rolls that you buy pre-made and just heat up the dough!
YUMMY fall treat

Yeah, we have ALL experienced UNeasiness and HARDship. It was last week when I saw a man wheeling his handicapped son into the supermarket. It was the same man and son whom I had previously met at a park after my accident in September 2019, when I was still in a wheelchair. That summer day the elderly father had noticed me and my commonalities with his own adult son. He approached us to chat while methodically and lovingly helping his son to a standing position. He shared that the therapists assigned to his son were unable to meet his physical needs for various reasons. So, this elderly father decided he could help his son to use the parallel bars at the park to build strength again in his not fully functional legs. This dad was so proud of his son despite all the physical incapacities. His love and devotion were overwhelming, selfless, and pure. This elderly man’s calling is intense, unending, and probably unnoticed by many. He may not have an “EASY” life, but I bet beyond a shadow of a doubt that at the end of the day it’s FULFILLING. I find this truth is SPOT ON for homeschooling as well: CHALLENGING yet FULFILLING.

Craziness for 2020-2021 has begun!

The definition of EASY: “achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties” and “free from worries or problems.” This fall many families are making the decision to homeschool, others to do online classes or a hybrid model through their school district. Being a parent and having your kids at home in ANY capacity is NOT EASY (look back at that definition)! I think everyone realized that by the third week or BEFORE of quarantine in March! If you are still on the fence about your decision, or are just plain nervous and overwhelmed at the thought of the school year in general, you are in GOOD company!

First time at the zoo in a year!

One thing I did before I made the decision to homeschool was to weigh the pros and cons. I made a short list of cons like: less time alone for me, less time individually with just my younger ones who are non-school age, and a few others. It was hard for me to think of more negative reasons, so when I made the list of PROS I could see homeschooling was the choice for us! Maybe this will inspire you to make your own list in the future. Read below to see what I wrote 6 years ago before I embarked on this adventure!

Reasons for Homeschooling:

  1. More quality time with all my kids
  2. Bilingual advantage-teaching both English and Spanish languages at home (plus a third or fourth in the future!)
  3. Academic advantage-able to focus on each child and advance him/her as needed
  4. Flexibility-routine can change when needed (sickness, “off days”)
  5. Sleep (Kids can sleep in and take naps/rest time during the day)
  6. Less rushing (no need to get out the door every day at a certain time)
  7. Less time on homework (get it done during the day and have evenings for other activities/family time/down time)
  8. Field trips-can be easily taken to coincide with teaching!
  9. Freedom to be children and learn based on their interests and passions
  10. No sitting and being quiet all day!
  11. Individualized attention academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually
  12. Freedom to travel
  13. Character training
  14. Protect their childhood (ample time for playing and learning while playing)
  15. LAST but MOST important: Being able to directly teach them from THE BIBLE and daily weave in our trust and faith in God!

Before beginning my journey I was able to “pick the brains” of a few veteran homeschooling moms. Below are some book recommendations from these experienced women and other great resources that I myself came across at my local library. The third book recommendation is probably my favorite and one I have recommended to other moms who are just beginning their journey!

Book Recommendations:

  1. Why HomeSchooling Makes Sense by David Guterson

2. The Well-Adjusted Child -Homeschooling Answer to the Socialization Question– by Rachel Gathercole

3. The HomeSchooling Handbook by Lorilee Lippincott

4. The Everything Homeschooling Book 2nd Edition– by Sherri Linsenbach

5. Homeschooling: The Early Years: Your Complete Guide to Successfully Homeschooling the 3 to 8 Year-Old Child by Linda Dobson

6. Home Sweet HomeSchool– By Sue Maakestad

Grandma and Grandpa–They are helping to teach kids this year too! What a blessing it has been!

Lastly, teaching, working, and frankly just living with your children is not “easy”! I think I’d use any other adjective BUT easy on most days: Challenging, fun, adventurous, crazy, and taxing are ones that come to mind! This is why having a mission statement for your year is crucial: without it you will forget WHY you even started.

If you are homeschooling this year in any capacity OR just want to be more intentional about your own goals with your children/family, take the time to formulate a MISSION STATEMENT. Lorilee Lipincott in The Homeschooling Handbook puts a big emphasis on this in her exceptionally helpful book. Below is an example that I wrote for our family. Post it in a place where you can refer to it from time to time, especially on those days when NOTHING seems to go right!

All of us in Ecuador-March 2019 right before the surprise quarantine adventure!

Writing a Mission Statement is a great way to focus your energy! Here is mine below from 2014, when I began my journey:

We desire to protect and love our children.  We believe in creating an environment where they feel free to learn at their own pace, with those who love them the most, and in places where they will enjoy and retain their learning through experiences in meaningful ways. Our utmost desire for them is to be men and women who seek after the Lord above all else, are molded into His character, shaped by His love and eternal purposes, and ultimately pursue His plan for their lives.

Lots of togetherness…Fall leaves project (notice my daughter still in her pjs!)

Kids at home in general…EASY? NO way. Possible? WITH GOD! Are you ready?! Whatever your journey, let your ROOTS go deeper with JESUS so that as TREES OF HOPE for HIM we can REACH the blue sky above! I’m no perfect tree, just a mom who wants to see FRUIT in my children one day that far outweighs anything that I have done but rather all that HE HAS DONE in and through me! May it be so!

I love the PROMISE found in John 16:33 from Jesus Himself: “I have told you these things, so that in ME you may have peace. In this world you WILL have trouble. But take heart! I have OVERCOME the world!” Easy? NO! We are promised HARD TIMES, but praise God we are also given VICTORY in HIM!

Leave a comment to let me know you were here, especially if you never have. Know that I write to cheer you on, dear one. May God bless and strengthen each of you today in your homes and wherever you go!

12 thoughts on “Want EASY? Not Happenin’!

  • Krystal

    Thank you! What a beautiful message you left. God bless you and I appreciate you letting me know that you enjoyed this!

  • Krystal

    Thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to let me know! God be with you and I hope you continue reading here.

  • Maria Guetti

    What a treasure your family is. The bond homeschooling brings to siblings is really special. I really appreciate your insight. Thank you!

  • Krystal

    Anne, thank you for commenting. I have been homeschooling all along as I think you know, but each year I have to reevaluate and see if this is what I will continue to do. God puts things on our hearts as clear “callings” if you will, and I know for now that homeschooling is part of my mission. God bless you dear Anne, and may HE provide for all your needs as well.

  • Krystal

    Marcia, I am so glad you are able to be inspired by my little blogs. God can speak to us in a myriad of ways. I look forward to hearing or reading your mission statement! Love to you always.

  • Marcia Torres

    Krystal, you have chosen the path of homeschooling because it adds love and purpose to your life! As you mentioned it is not easy but rewarding.
    Reading your notes is always a source of inspiration to me.
    I always talk about mission statement, but I never have wrote one for myself! Definitely This is my homework for the weekend! Thank you ❤️

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