A Time to Remember

It’s the 4th of July, a time to remember the Declaration of Independence and the initiation of the United States of America. It was adopted on July 4, 1776 at the Pennsylvania State House in Philadelphia, now known as Independence Hall, by the Second Continental Congress. It explains to the world why the thirteen colonies considered themselves as independent states no longer under the British rule. Their independence was justified by the listing of 27 colonial grievances against King George III and by proclaiming their right of revolution. It became one of the “most circulated and widely reprinted documents in American history” (Wikipedia).

A few months ago I received a call out of the blue with a special message. It was to inform me that a former Kindergarten ESL (English as a Second Language) student of mine had received a very prestigious award now as a senior in high school. Interestingly, I have not been in a public-school classroom for over ten years and the last time I taught this student she was just beginning second grade! The news included another surprise: she had chosen ME as her most influential educator! I was humbled and honored. I had the privilege of meeting with her again at a special ceremony and joined in the celebration of her accomplishments and hard work. It was a very magical feeling to have in my memory a little six-year-old girl but to then reunite with a 17-year-old young woman instead!

It didn’t happen right away, but I began to remember the circumstances that even led me to meet her. You see the part of the story that she doesn’t know is the year I taught her I was actually going through a big struggle: I had given birth to my first son and just wanted to be home with him. After having a summer break to enjoy being a new mom to my little bundle, I remember going back to school in the fall. That entire year I cried most mornings, especially the first few months. I missed my four-month-old little lamb and even though he was at home with daddy, it wasn’t enough; I wanted to be there to tend to his every need.

I remember.

I remember getting to school and calling home first thing so my baby Luke could still hear mommy’s voice while I was physically away. I remember pumping multiple times a day so I could continue breastfeeding him. I remember every lunch break making it a point to call home again and talk to my husband and my baby, not wanting my voice or presence to vanish from them.

When I remembered all of this, including the pain and intense questioning of God that I made in my heart and in my prayers, I could not have fathomed that a little girl in front of me, one of my students, would grow up and one day write something so beautiful about me. This is what my former student said of me which was included in my invitation to her banquet: “Mrs. Torres was my first ESL teacher, she made school more tolerable even when I was falling behind from the rest of the children. She created a classroom environment where she helped me figure out how the world works. Everyday felt like an exploration, I was introduced and exposed to new ideas, and with her help I began to make connections. Her love, kindness, patience and endless compassion luminated my world, and lit a blaze to my success.”

Tears welled up within my being. All that time, that year I thought was not what it should have been, was instantly redeemed in the moment I read those words. I had trusted God would use it all, but I could not have expected a direct confirmation such as this. His purposes were never lost. Thank you, Jesus.

Take a moment to remember how God has used something difficult to teach, shape, and ultimately bless you and others. It is worth our time to reflect, for it is there we can deepen our faith in God and His greater purposes for the valleys that come our way.

Dear ones, please share below something YOU remember that God has done in your own life. Testimonies are a way to spur one another to continue following hard after Our Savior, Jesus Christ!

 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

6 thoughts on “A Time to Remember

  • Krystal

    I feel so undeserving of your words of encouragement but all I can say is: CHRIST IN ME. AMEN

  • Sandy

    Thank you for sharing your heart. What an amazing story. We truly never realize what others are going through as we go through our personal trials and how one thing we do affects others. Thank you for putting others in your life first and for serving humbly.

  • Krystal

    Uncle Doug,
    So true-HE WHO PROMISED is FAITHFUL. Let us have GREAT FAITH in our GREAT GOD. You know this SO WELL. Love to you all!

  • Krystal

    Christy, Your words really are a light in times of hopelessness. THANK YOU for taking a few moments to share how God has uplifted you in the darker seasons of life. AMEN

  • Christy

    What a beautiful story Krystal! So many times God will remind us to be humbled to His will and show us it’s not for our glory but the Kingdoms. What a surprising testimony that you becoming a new mother and being so open, raw, and discouraged gave this student a memorable and compassionate 2nd grade experience!
    God has blessed me with many humbling experiences like a serious back injury, loss of a pregnancy, difficult relationships, etc ALL of which has narrowed my path, put me at the Lord’s feet, and opened opportunities to empathize, be compassionate, and glorify God.
    So many times we look at the list of bad and pity that can surround hard times and I’ve come to seek God in the midst, and He’s NEVER failed to show His face in ALL of it!

  • Doug Johnson

    Beautiful story Krystal. Hard while we are going through it, but God has a bigger plan.

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