
We are living through a historic time right now. Each day I try to ask God what I can do in the midst of it. I keep living, breathing, teaching my kids, cooking meals, doing laundry, but inwardly I know my little routine somehow matters more now. I am in compliance: the stakes are higher, as public health is top priority. The weirdness of the new term “social distancing” is already being “embraced” (pun intended)! It’s our new reality, our temporary “normal” worldwide.

My mind can’t completely wrap itself around the implications of this pandemic, but here are some I have noticed:

  1. People can’t mourn the way they normally would when someone passes away, as public gatherings are not permitted. A neighbor of mine just passed away, and I can only empathize with what the family and friends are having to endure.
  2. People can’t celebrate momentous occasions like a wedding. My sister’s close friend had her wedding day all planned this past weekend; the only ones present were her, her husband, and her photographer! The formal ceremony date with everyone is still TBD due to the unforeseen future.
  3. For the first time we as a society can’t say, “My schedule is packed, I’m busy.” This is usually the first “excuse” I hear from others when trying to plan a time to get together, or one that I myself have given. I hope we can learn to prioritize relationships over routines.

For many we can REST for the first time in a long time, perhaps. Are we? I don’t know why, but I know it can be hard to do just that: REST. Most of us are “doers,” so resting can make us feel lazy or unproductive. We plan family activities to fill our day or weekend; we like to learn, to be entertained, and to make memories together. However, for the first time in history the government, with good reason, is urging us to stay home and NOT go out. Therefore, I want this time to be one in which I don’t worry about what “to do” as much as just BE; I want to be grateful that I have less options to think about (at least no external ones)! Resting our minds from the myriad of choices is a rare gift! Let us tear this “package” open and dive into TIME with one another, knowing it is fleeting, and precious.

I remember our pastor at church pointing out the difference recently between rest and refreshment. He likened it to watching a T.V. show that relaxes us in a mindless way; I think we can all relate to that. The point was: we shouldn’t be expecting to be refreshed or our minds and spirits renewed after such an experience. I fully agree, but many times I falsely believe that by mindless activity I will “feel better” afterwards. NOT SO! Our souls are being starved if we don’t give them their daily bread.  When Satan was tempting Jesus in the wilderness, Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4). We need to eat until we are full, spiritually!

Likewise, in John 4 Jesus meets a Samaritan woman drawing water at a well and teaches her about the LIVING WATER by stating, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” HE is LIFE itself, and we would be foolish not to learn that He is all we truly need in this time of crisis, and forevermore. The woman’s response as recorded in John 4:15 was, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” A wise woman indeed, who just moments before had no idea who Jesus was; she was thirsty enough to believe and receive Him, and the living water He had to offer her!

So, I started a new routine the past few days as a result of this crisis. Since my husband is currently home when he normally would be out working, I have been starting my day by taking a walk around my neighborhood, drinking some water, and reading The Bible. The result is that I am physically and spiritually renewed for the day from the time spent in reflection of God’s creation and in His Word. My heart and soul are satisfied, knowing that purpose and mission in HIS economy are an integral part of our daily lives when surrendered to Christ.

In a Joni Eareckson devotional that came to my e-mail this week entitled, “Notice the Me’s,” her message hit hard. I think it relates to this corona-crisis very well. It read, “Why do we keep asking why? The clue is hidden in the questions we ask when we suffer: ‘Will I ever be happy again?’ and ‘How is this fitting together for my good?’ The questions themselves are technical and me-focused. Even when we hit upon good reasons why, those reasons can be centered around self:

‘Suffering sure has helped me get my spiritual act together.’

‘I see how this trial is improving my character and prayer life.’

‘This tribulation has really strengthened my relationships.’

Notice all the me’s. God notices, too. The main point in suffering is to know God better. The sub-points are all the benefits. We must never distance God’s benefits in suffering from God.”

What a great word of truth, and how convicting! I needed to hear that myself, and I want to remind others that the difficulties in life are not primarily meant to make us “stronger” or “better,” or make us look like superheroes. Ultimately, the purpose is to bring us to our knees to know God more; everything else is a secondary benefit or bonus. If the world is blessed by YOU, may you point so well to THE SOURCE of your strength, that THEY TOO may know HIM! As Joni shared, it is all about KNOWING GOD more, and in that we can then light up this world with His love and grace.

If we are on mission in our hearts, life continues amidst this “corona-crisis.” So, let us be TREES of HOPE despite the physical limits and isolation! How? First, may we be intentional to fill ourselves up with the life and REST that ONLY come from THE TREE OF HOPE, Jesus Christ. He will fill us with His heart of compassion to touch another’s life even in this time: be it a prayer uttered, a smile given or a phone call made.

Above all, may we draw nearer to God (James 4:8), Our Heavenly Daddy, and come to know Him more. Please share in the comments a way that YOU have been encouraged in this time.

TREES OF HOPE, standing TALL and pointing to THE ONE and ONLY God! Let us learn to GREATER depths the REST that comes from knowing and relying on Him, dear ones!

13 thoughts on ““Corona-Crisis”

  • Krystal

    You must have the gift of TRUST in Our Savior, for your faith is great and unwavering! Thank you for sharing your own reflection, for it uplifted me today. God bless you, dear sister in Christ!

  • Krystal

    I couldn’t have said it better than that! AMEN. If we are never still before Him, how will we know His voice? Thank you for those words of reminder; we need them EVERY day. God bless you immensely.

  • Wanda Douglass

    God wants us to rest in Him. Be still and know that I am God. He wants us to put everything aside and just sit quietly in His presence and see what He is speaking to our hearts. He is in control of all..our finances our physical and spiritual needs. Whatever it may be. Trust and fully lean on Him.

  • Debbie Morales

    I was very encouraged by your thoughts, Krystal. Learning to physically rest is a challenge for those of us “doers”, always feeling that we must be busy so as not to “waste time.” But as you pointed out, the Lord wants us to rest in Him. For me, that is easy because I know He has everything under control, even when I can’t see it. God bless you and your precious family and cover you with His peace.

  • Krystal

    Thank you for reading and for your words of insight as well. It truly all is about HIM, even when we are so narcissistic in our daily ways. May He break us to the point of FULL submission and recognition of ALL He has done! Amen, dear friend. 🙂

  • Krystal

    Anne, thank you for commenting. I received a text comparing this situation to prison, as you said, but how we can make the most of the time instead of having the time “do us.” Truly people are scared and panicked, and we have to understand that this is a serious matter. Nevertheless, I know God can still bring SPIRITUAL REST to our souls, which can then translate to every other area of our life. I choose to see this time as a gift for those of us who are safe, not sick, and able to see another day. God bless you too, my dear friend, and may He uplift your spirits now and always. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. 🙂

  • Anne Neumann

    Hi Krystal, yes, this is not meant to be a vacation. It’s a forced vacation. It actually resembles a situation between prison and vacation. I don’t think that refreshing rest is possible. While God can use it for our good in that we spend more time with family, everything gets cleaner, I see people crying on the street and very emotional. This can’t be right. Praying for you to be encouraged during this time and for health!

  • Brittany

    For me this entire pandemic has been just another way for God to teach me that I am not in control and joy can be found in Him at all times regardless of circumstance. It’s easy to feel we trust God when our lives aren’t facing adversity but it times like this I hope everyone realizes how weak and helpless we all are on our own and learn true dependence on our creator.

  • Amber

    Love this!!! So right on. We need to strive to enter rest as it is not natural for us!! That is the only striving I was thinking that is talked about in the Bible that we are to do…..but it is only to bring us into deeper and deeper rest! He is a good shepherd !!

  • Krystal

    Thank you for commenting. I pray you too will grow deeper in your relationship with God, and experience the REST only HE can provide us. 🙂 Love you!

  • Marcia

    Thank you Krystal for sharing your personal experience and perspective! Indeed this time brings reflexion and self awareness of how we are with God and with others. Always love to read your blog. Rest and have fun!

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