Faith, Personal Testimonies
I have not been posting as regularly as I would like, and sometimes it can be hard to think of what to share and write. Today I had my idea early on, inspiration that came from a complete stranger.It was about noon and my crew of four children and I were headed home from a park, a fifteen minute walk back to our house. We were only a few minutes into our journey when we passed a house, and outside a guy with a long beard was putting what looked like some sports gear into the back of his trunk. It's strange that I don't remember exactly what he said, but rather how he said it; he was intentionally trying to be friendly and show God's heart and love as…
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Mother’s Day

Mother's Day can be filled with such joy and sorrow. Moms who have passed on and their children left to remember them, others who long to be a mom and are struggling to or maybe never will be. Of course still others will relish in spending some special time with their mom, and those moms-to-be or young mothers who are beginning to experience the self-sacrifice required in motherhood themselves.Mom. How many times have you said that word in your lifetime? Countless. Perhaps now you are the one hearing it 24/7 from your little ones! A mother can be a priceless instrument in God's hand for the using if she is so willing. Take time to reflect on that in your own life, and remember and speak about the grandmas and…
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They call me “mommy”

Personal Testimonies
Today I was reminded that much of the time I feel like I am one step behind in life, trying to keep up with the rhythm of the day, the responsibilities before me, and the energy of my sweet children. They run carefree, laugh, cry, fight, and crave attention, affection, and togetherness. In a moment I feel so incapable, but they call for "mommy," and I am the only one who can fill that special role in their lives. It is a privilege. Let me not feel resentment or overwhelmed when I hear them say my name countless times, for it means they trust me to meet their needs. My biggest fear is one day not being with my little lambs, and having to say goodbye. Praise Jesus for the eternal…
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A Wonderful Reminder

Faith, Personal Testimonies
😩It was one of the days where I personally lacked peace to even begin. A few outside factors contributed to an internal state of feeling incompetent and overwhelmed. Oh, but God had other plans. Now don't get me wrong: my littlest one still refused to wear a diaper most of the day, and the stomach virus is still present and spreading in our home, but God was about to uplift me. My mom came over and we took the kids to the park around the corner from our house. A classmate and old childhood friend was there with her kids, although I didn't recognize her at first. When I did, it hit me: She is the one, the one I had heard about from a friend, and was praying for and…
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THANK YOU for posting

THANK YOU to the first anonymous person who responded to my blog today with, "I feel that! I think the most frequently used phrase in my world these days is 'Jesus help me!' It's funny in a sense but very real and full of truth. We cannot do anything apart from His help and strength!"  I was so excited to see someone reply that I hit the "delete" button instead of "publish"! I hope posting it here makes it even more special. Just like you, my days are filled with me saying internally and sometimes aloud, "Jesus help me!"So, today only one word encapsulates how I felt most of the time: DEFEATED! A lot of little things, as always, add up to a stress-ridden desperation inside. Having four kids getting over the…
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"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life." Proverbs 13:12🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳🌲🌳I am starting a journey of sharing! It's a way for you to know me more deeply, and for all of us to know one another more. If there is but one person who reads and finds encouragement then I rejoice. Please come and read, respond, and share your experiences in this safe and non-judgmental blog! Sharing for me is not exactly easy, as I tend to want to hide behind a picture-perfect image of my family and myself. Yet, at the end of the day, I am reminded of the weaknesses I possess and the One who is in control of it all: My God, The 3 in 1. For today, a beginning…
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