The Gift of LEARNING

Learning. We experience it every day in small and big ways. I’m driving fast in the snow when my tires don’t have enough friction to keep my vehicle straight; I learn to slow down and pump my brakes. My child has had a temper tantrum every time he goes to bed late; I learn he needs more consistency and an earlier “winding down” time at night. We are continually learning from others: their mistakes, failures and even from their successes. Our brains are incessantly connecting the dots from one experience to another seemingly effortlessly on our parts, the observers.

This Christmas I am thankful for the gift of LEARNING. As I homeschool my children, I love delving into topics that I am unaware of. Though it is initially uncomfortable, together we become research partners to take on the great unknown!

  1. His credibility growing up in Palestine and experiencing the horrors of war is greater than the onlookers who make assumptions.
  2. True freedom cannot be fought for in a physical war; it is found only in knowing the Truth, Jesus Christ.
  3. God can reach ANYONE with the truth of His gospel, no matter their language, cultural background, religion or prejudices.
  4. Love draws people to Christ and hatred keeps them away from Him.
  5. If this man is exceedingly thankful to know the Truth, I in turn desire to be forever grateful for knowing and receiving it as well.

This book took me to another world, a completely foreign ideology and reality. The only reason I didn’t finish it in a day was because my children needed to eat! It is a book you don’t want to put down. I felt as if I was there with Mosab, learning alongside him the mysteries of life as a Palestinian. I marveled at how God intervened in subtle yet direct ways to open his eyes and heart to what he previously hated most. It was impossible…BUT GOD. HE ALONE can take away the blinders from our eyes, the scales like Paul (from the Bible) had that caused his anger and hatred to burn and snuff out any love for human life.

Just yesterday, on Christmas Eve, my oldest son said, “Mom, look, they banned Christmas in that strict country.” Yes, Kim Jong Un, since 2017, has banned the holiday and not allowed any Christmas displays or acknowledgment of the season in North Korea. In response this year, a bunch of Christians including some escapees from North Korea, have literally “rained down” love this Christmas. The New York Post reported the following on December 24, 2023:

Lastly, the article points out that of the estimated 26 million people in North Korea, there are an estimated 400,000 Christians, 17% of which are believed to be imprisoned. We truly have NO IDEA how free we are. While we still have the chance, may we spread HIM to this lost world! Let us open up the gift of LEARNING, not just stopping at the headlines but digging into the hidden truth beneath.

Oh Jesus, thank you that your power is REAL and ALIVE today! The truth in Your Word still convicts and can bring others to their knees, just as it did US! May we be EXPECTANT and THANKFUL for YOUR WORK in and AROUND US. I want to join you in reaching those who know “of You” but are so far from You.

10 thoughts on “The Gift of LEARNING

  • Krystal

    What a pleasant surprise to hear from you! You are so kind to let me know that this post impacted you, and please let me know your thoughts on the book when you read it! God bless you and your sweet family :).

  • Krystal

    Thank you for taking the time to write down your thoughts. I agree: We have a God who is ALIVE and present if we just give Him our lives, our time, ourselves! He is the best Father and the only One who we can truly trust. Love to you all!

  • Krystal

    Thank you for your time and the reflection you provided: We truly are beyond blessed and need to humble ourselves and seek God afresh! Happy New Year to you, dear sister. You are loved!

  • Always insightful and well written! We truly are blessed and have no idea how good we have it in America. May we wake up and use this gift of freedom for the glory of God. Loved both stories! Definitely curious about the book, too. We have a Palestinian friend. We love reading with our boys so many times a day and we all learn so much! Happy New Year!

  • Krystal, I enjoy reading your reflection and perspectives. Jesus is alive and available to meet us where ever we are in our life. His grace is sufficient and His Mercy knew every morning. May you and your family have a blessed New Year ahead! Thank you! 😇🙏

  • Flavia

    Aww Krystal as a homeschool mom myself who likes to read, I’m inspired and motivated by this reflection on your love of learning and Jesus at your center. Im intrigued by the book you mentioned, now I must get it. Thank you for sharing with me. Merry Christmas and happy new year full of strength and new discoveries! My greetings to the family!

  • Krystal

    Thank you for your informative and uplifting response. Much love to you and may God continue to guide us as we use our gifts to touch the lives of others!

  • Marcia

    Krystal, I am grateful for your willingness to share your insights on intricate and profound subjects. Your genuine and transparent reflections on the importance of slowing down, seeking closeness to God, and experiencing His presence within resonate deeply. I wish you a holiday season filled with robust health and joy.

    I eagerly anticipate further engagement with your professional narratives and enriched perspectives on life. Your eloquent storytelling and profound appreciation for life contribute significantly to the conversation. I look forward to continued inspiration from your experiences.

  • Krystal

    Peggy, Thank you so much for letting me know and I definitely am blessed to hear your encouragement. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family too!

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