Renew Your Mind

Of utmost importance in our day is renewing our minds. This post was a long time in the making because the practice of renewing my mind has been ON MY MIND!

My artist Laurelle

Like many, I have my struggles with daily life. This summer I experienced much freedom and the ability to live without crippling anxiety. I can be very hard on myself, most of us can, and I see where I lack before I see what I have accomplished. As people in general and definitely as Christ followers, we need a constant daily dose of real wisdom and truth. Oh how quickly we UNDO our minds and waste precious time with unnecessary scrolling on our phones these days, everyone included! Habits form easily and take a sustained effort to break. Let’s be in process to hold each other accountable in this worthy endeavor.

I remember the hardest years to put this into practice were when my children were babies and I felt like I had almost zero time to “myself” to renew and reflect. I had to fight for my time with God each day, which sometimes took place in the morning, and other days in the evening or even during an afternoon naptime. Whenever it was, it was always worth it.

My youngest, Davin

There is a difference, you know, between relaxation and refreshment. A lot of people turn on “the tube”, sit outside, exercise, go out with friends or for a ride in the car. These activities in and of themselves can temporarily relax or distract you, but renewal is truly what our spirits need to become ALIVE. True refreshment will only come when we renew our hearts and our minds with God’s truth, found in His Word which is the Bible. It is powerful when we listen to sermons, messages or podcasts with Biblically-based teaching, and read on our own a few verses or even a chapter or more a day. Our Pastor has reminded us that we should feel spiritually malnourished when we miss our time of renewal with Our Heavenly Father, because we are living in a world that is not our home. Our minds need constant renewing to break free from the grip of a self-serving focus.

Paul reminds us, “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2).

Luke my engineer!

Some practical ways that I daily put feet to this are by listening to a sermon while I do a YouTube exercise video in the morning, reading a chapter in my Bible and journaling a few verses and thoughts, and ending with prayer and sitting still before God. In addition, I have another devotional book and a Christian book I am reading on the side. Truthfully I find my time in the Bible and listening to those sermons to be my consistent and ever-needed “bread and butter” for the day. As Paul the apostle wrote: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2). This will NOT happen if we are unintentional. “Let go and let God” sounds nice, but it is not actually what the Bible teaches. Yes, trust in God and let go of your worries, but the Bible calls US to daily discipline of our bodies, minds, and hearts, and it doesn’t happen passively. Paul continues, “Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize” (1 Corinthians 9:26-27). We are called to be VERY active and intentional in submitting our BODIES and MINDS to God each and every day!

How is your daily routine? If we can post online, brush our teeth, exercise, get ourselves dressed and physically looking well each day, there is no excuse to neglect our spiritual health/time with Our Father. I used to struggle with this BIG TIME, and I felt like I would never improve. Apart from organizing your time, it is an act of conquering the will; it may mean you get up earlier, go to bed later, or use the kids “downtime/naptime” as your time to connect with God. This time with God should always be convicting because the world does not prioritize HIM, therefore we’ll always be swimming against the current to seek Jesus. Is HE worth it? We shall answer with a resounding: HE IS!

Bennett our softie!

Jesus, help those reading this post to LONG to spend time with you. When we do, any feelings of obligation will be replaced with a deeper love and DESIRE to know You more and more; NOTHING else satisfies like YOU in our days. Ultimately our drawing near is not just for our own benefit, though You do bless us, but rather to GLORIFY YOU through our lives and point PEOPLE to YOU.

Take a moment to listen to the song below which includes rap! I found this lyric video not knowing the artists previously and I was so uplifted by their message. JESUS IS WORTH EVERY SECOND we have in this life; let us not waste our time any longer “living” without HIM.

May you draw near to God that HE might draw near to YOU (James 4:8). Leave a comment to let me know you were here. May HIS insatiable love for us penetrate each of your hearts today, dear ones! Be renewed in HIM alone.

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