Let it Go…

The song, “Let it Go” from the movie Frozen is a simple way to say, “Get rid of _____ and be free.” Well, I have a confession to make: I recently realized I wasn’t free. Upon evaluation of my life the past few months in particular I found one area that I needed to “let go”: social media. Having said that, this post is NOT a dig at anyone who is on it, as I know most people are! I only hope to inspire you to eliminate your extra habits, things or relationships in life that may be subtly yet directly causing undesired stress or anxiety. A few weeks after posting this blog, a friend of mine named Courtney Campbell shared that SHE TOO made this decision AND blogged about her reasons. She did a superb job putting into words what I have felt for years. Take a moment to read her very helpful and well-written blog post here: Purge (courtneycampbell.net)

My own journey to get off of social media began a few years ago when I ran into a friend from high school who had never used it; she unknowingly appeared much happier and freer than most people I knew! I initially thought it would be nearly possible to ditch social media after years of being inadvertently accustomed to it. Of course it was easy to justify my usage as a way to keep in touch with relatives in Ecuador and other friends or family around the globe.

Nevertheless, I then began to ponder other possibilities without Facebook or Instagram. For example, the close family we have in Ecuador keeps in touch with us via the “WhatApp” which allows us to send personal messages, pictures, and videos. It’s an intimate way to have a smaller group of people receive updates on your life, which I liked and enjoyed much more than all your “friends” seeing snapshots of your personal events. Furthermore, I concluded that additional stress from social media was seeing what “everyone else” had been up to that day and feeling like posting was “homework” for me too. Again, these are just my own thoughts and convictions in this particular area.

Do you want to build a snowman?! My middle children: Bennett and Laurelle-2021

So, I began to limit my social media access more and more, especially over the last 6 months. What used to be something I checked every day or every other day began to dwindle to only a couple of minutes once or twice every few weeks. As a result, time on Instagram and Facebook eventually became almost non-existent. Then one day it happened: I knew it was time to “pull the plug.”

My epiphany came when I read something sad that happened in the life of a friend; it ended up giving me multiple dreams and even nightmares. Even more interesting, my friend who posted the “news” actually had a positive outlook and tone to the heartbreaking circumstance! I guess I wasn’t convinced it was easy because I knew it wouldn’t be for anyone. Surprinsingly, the increased stress and worry brought about from this post were palpable. I started to see how everything I read, no matter how insignificant it seems at the time I am skimming through the “daily feed” or my “notifications”, has an impact on me. In this case, it took a physical toll on my mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Furthermore, I know this is only a small example of what I had been unawaredly experiencing for years.

On the flipside, in order to care for people there is a certain level of compassion and empathy that is natural and healthy. However, I felt convicted that my burden for others began chipping away at my ability to focus on my own family and life, to serve them well with the strength God gives me. It has officially been two weeks since I cut off the cycle of social media. Perhaps someday I’ll “get back on” but for this stage in life I have found FREEDOM, and I’m telling you it tastes REAL and WONDERFUL! I started noticing that I am more “present” with my children, and have found joy in just being with them again. It’s also the first holiday season in as long as I can remember that I don’t feel an impending sense of doom or anxiety; and it’s not because I am “ahead” on writing my Christmas cards this year, because I’m not! I can sense a carefreeness that I have not experienced in so long and I know my decision to “let go” in this area has played a huge part.

Dear friend, what can you “let go” before celebrating the birth of our precious Savior this year? Maybe your focus has been on gift giving when it should be on spending time with those you love? Or perhaps you try to fill up your schedule with activities instead of sitting down to actually read through the Christmas story from the Bible each day? Spiritual hunger differs from physical hunger because we don’t perceive how desperate we are until we begin to seek God; and once we spend time with Him we will always hunger for MORE(of Him)! I want to encourage you to let “it” go, whatever “it” may be, so that you can be more fully united with Jesus as we celebrate His miraculous arrival as the perfect God-man baby!

Christmas 2021..Thank you, Jesus, for my little family that I can serve

Listen to this Christmas song below entitled, “Born to Die.” If He came to die out of love, “let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.” (Hebrews 12:1-3) THROW OFF whatever is hindering you, dear friend. Don’t wait. Let it go.


4 thoughts on “Let it Go…

  • Krystal

    Courtney, I am encouraged to hear that I’m not as crazy as I thought (haha)! Social media became something that no longer brought joy, and it took a toll on my inner peace. Praise God that there are seasons for everything, but I know I am in a season of LESS. It has given me a chance to do OTHER things I am passionate about, and be more present for the people I rub shoulders with on a daily basis. God bless you and thank you for writing!

  • Love it, love it, love it! I have been off of all social media for eleven months. Though I have thought about returning recently, I am on the same boat as you! I like people so much more now that I’m not seeing everyone’s constant posts…especially those who I love dearly that differ in beliefs and spew out darkness. I’ve been saying to people that our realities have flipped. People think that the social media world is more real than life outside of it! It’s truly sad. Thank you for reminding me of the decision that I felt God lead me to make in leaving. I wrote about it, too on my blog (https://www.courtneycampbell.net/post/purge)! It’s a pleasure to know you, Krystal! Keep writing!

  • Krystal

    Marcia, Thank you for reading and leaving your own thoughts. Definitely it’s a privilege to be a light for Our Savior in any way I can. Merry Christmas!

  • Marcia

    Dear Krystal, thank you for sharing your journey of awakening on the impact of social media.
    You are absolutely right! It is true “what we focus on, grows and becomes the center of our lives” and just like that.. life doesn’t have the same meaning.
    Your post is a reflective message! Continue posting here! You add light and love to the world!

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