
The race was on and it was a fight to the finish. Each athlete had trained for this momentous occasion in the water. The male S-1 category 500m backstroke swimmers had given it their all at the Tokyo 2020 (21) Olympics! Nevertheless, someone had to come in last place. As the cameras focused on the top-three medalists who were celebrating their individual victories, the last swimmer eventually touched the wall with half an arm. In the Paralympics, the S-1 category has the severest disabilities. These swimmers didn’t have legs, and some lacked an arm. Miraculously and courageously, the most disadvantaged swimmer of them all finished dead last with no legs, no arm on one side and only half of an arm on the other side to propel himself. Not a gold medalist this time but a fighter and an Olympian in everyone’s book. Tears of emotion and conviction welled up in me and, I imagine, in many others that day. Perspective.


My kids and I like to quote “the last shall be first and the first shall be last”(Matthew 20:16) whenever we come in last place. It comforts us when we “lose” to know that in God’s kingdom the humble and lowly are honored above the prideful and “successful.” It’s a perspective shift. The “losers” become winners. It wasn’t all for nothing, even when you walk away in last place.

The sweet taste of victory

Conversely, another paraolympian in Tokyo raced across the finish line, and it was GOLD for her! All that training, painstaking effort, and now the glory! Yet, her victory was unusual. The winner was cuffed to her “guide” who rejoiced, but her own eyes were tightly covered by a mask. This gold medalist was blind; can you imagine? Running is natural for those who see, but for her she raced practicing many leaps of faith! Perspective.

Mark Stuart-former lead singer of Audio Adrenaline (Christian rock band)

I just finished reading a book entitled, Losing My Voice to Find it by Mark Stuart from the band Audio Adrenaline. I was a fan back in the day when they came out with their album BLOOM in 1995 among many others. Christian rock was in full swing and I loved jamming out to all of them: DC Talk, Relient K, The Newsboys and of course Audio Adrenaline (listen to a powerful song about perspective that I posted at the end of this blog). I was stunned to only recently discover this book, about the life of the lead singer who ended up slowly losing his voice due to an incurable vocal disorder. At the pinnacle of his career he lost not only his musical voice, but his marriage. In that bitter season, nothing else mattered other than knowing that God was there in those dark, trying moments. Perspective OVERHAUL.

God longs to be Our Daddy and to care for us. Do we give Him time to love on us?

Do you have an eternal perspective each day, or is it just lip-service? Do you FIGHT to make your relationship with GOD a priority? I say fight because lately that is what it has been like for me! I have to tell myself with blinking lights and beeping noises going off in my brain: DO NOT CONTINUE or start the day WITHOUT spending time with JESUS! I’ve tried the, “I’ll do it right after this….” and then the endless interruptions arrive. I gain a brilliantly new perspective each morning that I spend with Him, each moment I surrender to knowing Him more! The fresh Word of God is given permission to rearrange my heart, my desires, and my priorities on a daily basis. I’m able to hear Him more clearly and follow Him more faithfully when I gain HIS perspective. Without His perspective, my own is at best futile and self-serving.

An example from my life: A little boy comes over asking to play, though riddled with emotional insecurities from an absent father and mother. Living with other relatives, he clings to my family as the home he doesn’t have, the home he’s missing out on. He needs gentle instruction and modeling on how to speak kindly and control his rage. On some days it’s easier to shut the door, but God’s compassion for him grows as I spend time in prayer. Loving “the least of these” isn’t always easy (Matthew 25:40), but it’s what Christ did and what He calls US to do. I must keep God’s perspective for others in my heart and life, applying it even when I desire to cling to familiarity and easy agendas.

I once heard a popular preacher say we shouldn’t hang out with “losers” because they can bring US down. That perspective is way off. It’s with the “losers” that Christ himself met with on a daily basis, had patience for, healed, and literally LOVED to DEATH. Our Christianity need not mirror the standards and methods of our society. When they reject, we should accept. When they hate, we should love and pray. When they give up, we never give in. OUR GOD IS GREATER, for HE transforms our PERSPECTIVE!

Open your hands and He’ll open your heart

Remember the swimmer with the biggest physical disadvantage I mentioned at the beginning? He didn’t have to participate and train, but his perspective must not have been on his DISability but rather on his ABILITY to finish the race. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have put forth the effort in the first place. Where are you holding back in your life? Are you afraid of failure or judgment from others? Maybe you don’t feel like the perfect vessel to transmit to others God’s message of hope through Jesus. I imagine that swimmer had a million excuses for NOT participating, but nevertheless there he was. We, dear friends, have the GREATEST NEWS and most EXTRAVAGANT LOVE to pour out! Goodbye laundry list of “why I can’t” and HELLO “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength!” (Philippians 4:13) May God’s PERSPECTIVE inspire COURAGE, STRENGTH, and LOVE back into us, reflecting humility and God’s image to this dying world.

artwork by MLT Art in Ecuador

TREES OF HOPE, my dear ones, representing God: His unconditional love and sacrifice for humanity. What an unpopular yet WORTHY perspective!

10 thoughts on “Perspective

  • Krystal

    Hope aka Mom (ha)! I fully agree that seeing Nick Vujici, Joni Eareckson Tada and others live for Christ in the face of physical adversity is great medicine for our own perspective. Thank you for leaving a comment and noting God’s desire to always bring good out of any situation. Love to you always!!

  • Hope aka Mom

    What amazing stories of courage and fortitude based on perspective!
    I think of Nick Vujicic who has become a passionate gospel evangelist using his disabilities as abilities. We never know what life will bring, but we know God promised to bring good out of our circumstances if we believe in him.
    May we keep our eyes on Jesus and allow him to give us the perspective we need to be his witnesses.

  • Krystal

    Marcia, I love your response when you mentioned that based on our own perspective/judgment we give out medals but God knows each one really is a winner. Thank you for your comment and for the love and wisdom behind it. Love to you always!

  • Krystal

    Brittany, what a great example you gave of Bethany Hamilton! We had the kids watch the movie they made about her and certain parts always bring me to tears because of God’s REDEMPTION of that circumstance. Thank you for reading and for leaving a comment. Love to you today, dear sister.

  • Brittany Marie Tompkins

    We each have a unique perspective on life that can shape our faith to impact others for good or turn them away from God further. I personally love following Bethany Hamilton, the surfer who lost her arm to a shark. Her experience has given her a huge platform and I’m sure has given her the opportunity to reach so many people who otherwise would not have care to listen to her testimony. Even if we use our lives to impact only 1 that is at least where God would want us to start. Good reminder to always keep our eyes open for people who need Jesus.

  • Marcia

    Krystal, thank you for a wonderful inside on this topic of perspective. Our eyes are quick to judge and quick to pronounce an opinion on topics we don’t understand, but God know deep inside the purpose for everything.
    The olympics are the perfect example, So much work and dedication done by each athlete. The amount of countless hours dedicated to that one moment is unbelievable. “ they are all winner regardless of how many medals they get to collect”.
    Your post made me reflect on how fair is God, we go through life, preparing every day to have a better day and only him is the one that looks deep inside and understands our struggle and conflicts! In his eyes we all are winners and he values our hearts and efforts. Yes, it is all perspective
    In our poor judgment we decided who gets a gold medal and who gets rewarded based on our perspective but God is loyal and fair and on his eyes we are all winners. He understands our struggles and values our efforts!! Thank you 🙏🏻

  • Krystal

    Shannon, thanks for sharing something that stuck out to you. Truly without God we are all lost causes, but with Him our brokenness, our ashes, are traded for beauty. May God’s Word be what we seek day in and day out! HE is Our only true source of life. Love to you and your lovely family, dear friend!

  • Krystal

    I think you summed it up best, dear Destini. Love to you and glad you got a moment to read. It means a lot as I only write when God leads me to. May God use us, His broken vessels, to display PEFFECT love!

  • Shannon Welty

    So many vivid spiritual illustrations in this, Krystal. This struck me especially, “The fresh Word of God is given permission to rearrange my heart, my desires, and my priorities on a daily basis.”

  • Destini michalak

    A beautiful reflection and encouragement to take the time to see those around us that need to see the love of Christ on full display, even if we see ourselves as just broken vessels.❤️

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