Blinded by the Moment

Those of you reading this have made it to 2021, surviving a pandemic and alive to tell the story! Happy New Year and praise God we are here!


Last year I wrote a blog entitled Your Unwritten Goals preceding the 2020 pandemic. I had no idea what we would face, but I urged us to be open and flexible to what unexpected goals we would encounter; I guess it was somewhat prophetic! Who expected the entire country or world for that matter, to begin some form of homeschooling?! I think most parents didn’t have that on their agendas, nor did we realize how much our daily routines and livelihoods would transform. Some people and businesses may have accomplished more than they dreamed while others have lost it all. Was it worth it?

If we turn to motherhood itself, it is easy to become blinded by the small, mundane moments. The question may linger in our hearts: “Is what I am doing important? Is it worth it?” Here is a real-life example:

My “little sister” Brittany..(the blondie!) …second from the right!

She is drowning in laundry, diapers, care-taking and meal preparation. Her heart and mind are overwhelmed on most days from the bare-bones routine of life. I watch her succeed and struggle all at once. The view is both tough and lovely as I behold her.

Brittany and her husband Nate with their 3 beautiful blond boys!

She is my little sister, now a momma to three of her own.

Her children..the utmost blessing and challenge in motherhood. What precious children!

Why did life have to change? What happened to carefree days, Barbie dolls for endless hours, and someone else making our food? I have wished on many a day that I could just take it all away: all the work, pain, sweat and tears and return to how life once was. Have the “good old days” passed us by?

My sister Brittany with her hubby, two of their kids and my 4 kids

If I’m not careful I’ll be blinded by the moment. For when I see her worried and stressed I may begin to wonder if life is still worth living with all the “new.” The responsibilities seem so great when raising a family. If I am blinded by the moment I won’t value what she’s doing: intentionally raising the next generation. The task IS monumental, yet it can only be tackled one moment at a time, day by day. I realize she is prettier and wiser than ever before. The trials in her way are there but her dependence on God has increased ten-fold. The joy-filled faces and giggles from her sweet boys provide reassurance that she is fulfilling one of her greatest purposes. I choose to wait for the masterpiece in progress, the work that isn’t currently in plain view. My perspective is restored to its proper place. I won’t be blinded by the moment.

My siblings and I…Brittany second from left!

On certain days the lingering question for her and many mothers is, “Is it worth it?” Let’s re-phrase it to what it should be, “Are THEY worth it?” The tribe of one, two, or however many children you have is there following your lead. We must respond with a resounding YES, THEY are worth it because GOD values PEOPLE over things and activities. He is the Author of the “upside-down” kingdom: the one in which the last shall be first and the first shall be last (Matthew 19:30), the poor in spirit are rich and the rich are poor (Matthew 5:3). A labor done in love is worth more than one done for a paycheck. WE must daily value our job and not be blinded by the thoughts of insignificance because GOD esteems it as vital and remarkable.

Brittany with her littlest lamb Trace fulfilling her greatest role raising the next generation to follow GOD!

In 2021 some new challenges may arise and old ones may persist. Let us not be blinded by a moment in time. Leave a legacy in the lives of your children this coming year, as well as with others who are part of your life’s path.

The next generation…my kids and hers! THEY NEED and LOVE US!
We will not be blinded by the moment.
Britt and her 12 lb newborn …yes, you read that right! I was a witness to his miraculous entrance into the world!

Lastly, this post was inspired by my younger sister Brittany. Brittany Marie, my little sister: You hold a special place in my heart. We won’t be blinded by a tumultuous day, dear sister, for our children are WORTH this calling! I see your abounding LOVE, strength, courage, and determination each day to serve your family, and you do it well. I cherish the memories as little girls and now the moments of motherhood we can share and bond over together. I love you with all my heart little sis. “Isn’t life wonderful?” (your famous quote as a child!) YES, sweet Brittany, and the BEST is yet to come!

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Trees Of Hope!

Take a moment to share something God has taught you this past year in the comments below. It always encourages me and those who read to hear from each of you. WE ARE TREES OF HOPE for Our God, 2021! God bless you all, DEAR ONES!

6 thoughts on “Blinded by the Moment

  • Krystal

    Marcia, what a powerful lesson to truly receive God’s love for YOU! His love is unending, which always brings healing and hope to extend towards others, even those who seem resistent to it. Happy New Year and may He accomplish more of His purposes in your life this year, dear sister!

  • Marcia

    Krystal, thank you for sharing a fresh perspective! One of the many lessons learned in 2020 was to truly appreciated God and his love for me! Finding comfort on his promise and healing through his love! Thank you for your love and care!

  • Krystal

    Brittany, you are the inspiration behind this post because of the beauty amidst the chaos. You have such sweet boys to raise, and I couldn’t think of a better mom than YOU for them! Definitely glad you are embracing the season; I know so many new challenges have come your way but you have been lovingly molded by Our God through it all. Love to you always, little sister!

  • Britt

    Thank you my sweet sister for the words of truth and encouragement. It always helps to have another’s perspective on life and even more so on YOUR life from the outside looking in. I have seen how little the children really need in regards to “things ” in order to be content. I’ve become more intentional, more appreciative and more aware of simple pleasures. On a smaller scale I have spent much more time outdoors in all sorts of weather. This season has also given me greater anticipation and joy seeing friends or going on a date with my husband. Okay, I won’t write a novel. Thank you God for ALL this season has given us.

  • Krystal

    Shannon, reading what you said confirmed why God put this message on my heart! Thank you for taking the time to read and leave a comment that inspires all of us. You serve your family with love and compassion knowing that it’s for HIM. HE is OUR STRENGTH and SONG, the ONE life is ALL ABOUT. It is God who reminds us our service has value and worth, for THEY are His precious treasures given to us for such a short season. Amen to all that you said, dear sister in Christ! Love to you and your whole family!

  • Shannon

    The grayness and drudgery that can set in during late January is the perfect time for this reminder of what we’re working towards. Thanks for your perspective — all the repetitive tasks that can bog us down become meaningful if we keep the worth of our children in mind.

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