A Covid Christmas

The holidays are upon us! Christmas and ringing in the new year with family and friends is a magical season. Make no mistake, this year is starkly different. The traditional gatherings have been almost non-existent between family and friends due to this Covid Christmas. Our house, which is usually a revolving door of Christmas visitors, has been shut tightly for now. Even so, I find myself once again desperate for more PEACE and JOY. How can this be, even in the midst of Covid simplicity? Nevertheless, internal panic erupts while I simultaneously try to press on in my own strength.

Every day: STOP (what you are doing). SEE (His creation). BE (still): STOP. SEE. BE.

“How can I be such a failure?” runs through my mind. “I should have had my gifts ready for everyone by now, and all cards mailed out. It should have been easier THIS year. Next year it’ll be different and I’ll enjoy everything more because I’ll be more organized.” Suddenly I come to terms with the fact that I was never “behind” because there wasn’t ever a competitive “race to the finish” in the first place!

This year we have a rare Covid Christmas gift, which feels very unusual: a time where we CAN STOP doing and REFLECT more. In the busyness and hustle-bustle of every other Christmas season we have ever known, reflection on the true meaning of the season may have been an afterthought at best.

Last year at this time all I wanted was a break from so much holiday activity. Well, this year I got my wish but the struggle to DO, DO, DO has resurfaced once again! So, here’s a letter for all of us who tend to be “the anxious one.”

Dear Anxious One,

I get you. You wake up and start your mental gymnastics of all that has to be done and in what order it will be most efficient. There are days you dread because you know you won’t give yourself a “break.” No matter how much you finish in a day, the laundry list of “to-do’s” for tomorrow has already been written.

Beach with hubby…it can be stressful getting there with 4 kids but it’s always worth it!

If you aren’t careful you will let anxiety become part of your daily identity, destroying your love for life and the ability to live in the moment. When you are in “panic mode” to accomplish you aren’t present with anyone; your family watches you and observes your routine that constantly takes precedence OVER them.

My advice to you, dear one: do what seems most impossible to do and STOP. Stop for a day, for an hour, or just 15 minutes (you gotta start somewhere)! Give yourself PERMISSION to stop. Fight against busyness with prayer, time with Your Father (reading The Bible and singing worships songs), and doing LESS. Yes, LESS. Tidying up is fine but an immaculate house every day is UNattainable. Close your eyes, put your feet up, and call your children over to cuddle, snuggle and BE with you. You CAN override your goals for the day if you have set yourself up for unnecessary and harmful levels of stress. Make your mental checklist shorter and your emotional and spiritual well-being top priority instead. STOP what you’re doing, take time to SEE His creation, and BE still. STOP, SEE, BE.

Birthday girl….I want to be especially present on these days

I understand you because I AM YOU. We share this struggle but we don’t have to let it overtake us. I can’t tell you it will be quick and easy, but if we press into Jesus He promises that He will give us a SECURE victory (John 16:33).

Can we really believe that if we come to Our Heavenly Father He will give us rest as it says in Matthew 11:28-30? We MUST TRUST The One who died and conquered the GRAVE! Death was no match for Our God, Our Deliverer. HE is ABLE and WILLING to liberate YOU today from the stronghold of anxiety that perpetuates bondage, perfectionism, isolationism, narcissism, and spiritual apathy. WAKE US UP to YOUR HEART, oh God, that we may once again walk in PRECIOUS PEACE.

With all the people suffering from illnesses in this season, including the coronavirus in particular, may we honor them and not miss the opportunity to embrace the SLOWING DOWN fully. For me it has been cleaning and organizing MUCH LESS because kids are here to make marvelous memories. Next year Christmas is looking like it’ll be “normal” again; people will resume meeting together, perhaps like never before! Someday I think we’ll miss this”Covid Christmas” we once had, because it meant BEING over DOING. In this interim period I am thankful for LESS, for I have begun to experience HIS PEACE and PERMISSION to BE and NOT DO. STOP, SEE and BE.

A few weeks ago I asked my kids what we can give to God for Christmas. My youngest child Davin, at four years old, responded without missing a beat: “Love. He wants our love.” Let’s not forget whose birthday this is, after all. Read below for a beautiful way that you can demonstrate your LOVE for Our Savior, Our God.

Love to you all, dear TREES OF HOPE! Take a few more moments and listen to the songs below. This is my Christmas gift to each of you: time worshipping Our King together in spirit! Leave me a note to let me know you were here. God bless you, dear ones! Have a very merry Christmas!

Listen and know if you call Jesus your Savior you are His CHILD, and He is YOUR GOD. How God LONGS to care for YOU!
Worship along with my sister and her husband. BREATHE: STOP, SING and BE in His presence.

7 thoughts on “A Covid Christmas

  • Krystal

    METG, Thank you for taking time to comment! It is so hard for us to be STILL, as you said, but it is always worth the fight. The days that I begin in His presence are days in which God’s character, peace, and ways take over in my heart and life much more. I am so thankful God is using the words in my short blogs to bless you. Love to you always!

  • METG

    Krystal, thank you for a beautiful reflection! Listening to God’s voice by being still is a big challenge because we are always doing. You are absolutely right this year we were given abundance of time to reflect and listen to his voice! Thank you for always sharing your heart ❤️ with us. Your blog is refreshing and peaceful. Many blessings to you and continue sharing! Looking forward to the next one.

  • Krystal

    Jessica, it was very special to have met you too! I felt led to start a conversation and it was only God who could have allowed us to have more of an understanding of each other so quickly! I am so glad you are enjoying the blog and that it spoke to you as a mom. Definitely we will have to keep in touch. Check your e-mail! Happy New Year to you, Jessica, and your lovely family!!

  • Jessica Ulmer

    Krystal, meeting you on the sledding hill was an answer to a constant prayer of mine and a warm treat!! I am a new fan of your blog and as I read it I find how very completely similar we are. Your advice for stopping to snuggle and letting go of perfection speaks directly to me. I look forward to reading more, and future sledding adventures. With gratitude, Jessica

  • Krystal

    Thank you for letting me know you were here, Kristen! I completely agree that stillness provides the reflection. Glad you are being intentional about this in your own life. Miss you and much love always!

  • Krystal

    You got that right about always needing the reminder! We are just like the Israelites in The Bible who follow hard one minute and begin to doubt the next! I like that you said we don’t always get what we ask for but what God knows we need; so true! Thank you for commenting dear sister!

  • Brittany Marie Tompkins

    It seems we can never learn it enough. It doesn’t necessarily get easier to slow down or change your perspective but it is necessary throughout life. We don’t always get what we “ask for” but what God feels we need. 🙂

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